Careers and
preparation for Adulthood
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
To ensure children and young people, their parents carers, are informed and prepared to achieve aspirational next steps into adulthood and the world of work.
Our core aims:
- All children and young people, parents carers and teachers have access to careers information, advice and guidance.
- All children and young people are accessing and engaged in a meaningful and developmental careers education curriculum programme.
- All children and young people transition to a variety of positive destinations.
Avalon School has a crucial role to play in preparing our children and young people for transitions for their next stage of education, training or employment. Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is an important and integral part of all children and young people's entitlement and learning here at Avalon to aid their personal development.
Careers Education and Preparation for Adulthood Policy and Overview
Through a planned careers education programme including structured vocational skills teaching across all key stages, we are committed to providing the appropriate activities and experiences to enable children and young people to make well-informed decisions and successful transitions in life and work. We support children and young people to prepare for their preferred transitional pathway whether that is to continue with further education, employment, training or living independently. We have a person-centred approach to children's and young people's outcomes through our EHCP annual reviews process, where we work with all stakeholders to shape clear and ambitious targets for children and young people to prepare for their next steps.
At Avalon, we are really proud of our Skills and Experiences for Life curriculum which acts as a simple but structured and sequenced vehicle to experience, explore and investigate activites and work routines which build the foundations for a good careers or life education.
Intent: To offer a range of opportunities linked to pathways for adulthood to support young people to gain skills for life and work where appropriate.
Implementation: A carousel of sessions over the year including bikeability, horticulture, hospitality, design technology, animal care, physical development and creative arts for all young people in Key Stages 3 and 4. Students from each of the pathways move through a progression of skills in each area and learn key concepts ranging from sensory encounter and experience to engagement and participation in sequenced learning to opportunities for meaningful work experience linked to the careers framework.
- Increased independence in showing preference, making choices and acquiring skills.
- Being able to generalise skills to support their interaction in the wider community, whether this is the school community, local community or an online community.
- Opportunities to consolidate learning from multiple curriculum areas in a practical and purposeful way.
- Learning how to communicate and regulate in a variety of contexts.
- Preparing for adult life so that aspirations, whatever they may be, can be realised.
- Enrichment and pleasure in subject areas which support wellbeing, are motivating and fun and support future choices.
Careers Leader and Head of School, Amy Norris
Careers Adviser/CEIAG, Emma France
We work closely with The Careers and Enterprise Company and Careers Coordinator
Emma Davis
Avalon School reviews this published information annually, inviting feedback from key stakeholders.
At Avalon School we are busy growing your employees of the future. We need your help to raise their career aspirations, develop their employability skills and learn more about the exciting industries in and around Somerset
Ways to support:
- Get involved in extracurricular clubs and activities
- Give an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role
- Provide a coaching/mentoring service through a structured programme
- Run a hands-on workshop with activities relating to your area of expertise
- Be part of our discussions about pathways after school, eg apprenticeships
- Help champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability etc
- Help bring a subject lesson to life by linking it to your industry
- Offer a work experience placement for students at your business premises
- Become an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with special educational needs and disabilities and offer a work experience placement that is co-supported by the school
- Provide a Supported Internship opportunity
If you are an employer or organisation who would like to learn more, please contact
We measure and assess the impact of our Careers Programme every term using Compass +. Please find our latest Compass + results and how we are meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks here:
This information will be updated annually and will be reviewed in March 2025
Please find more useful information on our parent carers and students page.